Wednesday 14 June 2017

Revising Sections Posted Till Date
Section 1      - Short Title, Extent and Commencement
Section 2(1) - Actionable Claims
Section 2(2) - Address of Delivery
Section 2(3) - Address on Record
Section 2(4) - Adjudicating Authority
Section 2(5) - Agent
Section 2(6) - Aggregate Turnover
Section 2(7) - Agriculturist
Section 2(8) - Appellate Authority
Section 2(9)Appellate Tribunal
Section 2(10) - Appointed Day
Section 2(11) - Assessment
Section 2(12) - Associated Enterprises
Section 2(13) - Audit
Section 2(14) - Authorised Bank
Section 2(15) - Authorised Representative
Section 2(16) - Board
Section 2(17) - Business
Section 2(18) - Business Vertical

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